Store Policy & Privacy Policy
We now have a 30 day grace period where if you’re not satisfied with our products we will give you a store credit to try something new, or a full refund. If for any reason you're not satisfied with our signature products, customer service or any other issue, please contact us with your feedback.
Shipping usually take 7-10 business days & as soon as your item ships you will receive E-mail or text confirmation. All shipped items are tracked with an unique number, so that too will be provided to our Vyber's!
Natural Vybz & Co. respects your personal privacy contact information & we do not share any of your information with other companies or third parties. Natural Vybz & Co. will contact you via mail, phone, email &/or electronically with information that best interest you. You can stop marketing communications by enabling the contact box or by sending an email requesting to remove yourself from future contact.